Flight 1 Match 1:
Winner Andreadis (Dark and Stormy)
Flight 1 Match 2:
Winner Tagaropoulos (Hellenic Police)
Flight 2 Match 1:
Winner Tagaropoulos (Hellenic Police)
Flight 2 Match 2:
Winner Mantis (VMG team)
Flight 3 Match 1:
Winner Andreadis (Dark and Stormy)
Flight 3 Match 2:
Winner Tsoulfas (Tsoulfas Sailing Team)
Flight 4 Match 1:
Winner Mantis (VMG team)
Flight 4 Match 2:
Winner Tsoulfas (Tsoulfas Sailing Team)
Flight 5 Match 1:
Winner Spanomanolis (Ursa Minor)
Flight 5 Match 2:
Bekatorou VS Kontogianopoulou: Winner Bekatorou (Άνεμος Ελλάδας)
Flight 6 Match 1:
Tagaropoulos VS Mantis: Winner Tagaropoulos (Hellenic Police)
Flight 6 Match 2:
Andreadis VS Tsoulfas: Winner Andreadis (Dark n’ Stormy)
Flight 7 Match 1:
Jurek VS Bekatorou: Winner Bekatorou (Άνεμος Ελλάδας)
Flight 7 Match 2:
Tagaropoulos VS Kontogiannopoulou: Winner Tagaropoulos (Hellenic Police)
Flight 8 Match 1:
Tsoulfas VS Mantis: Winner Mantis (VMG Team)
Flight 8 Match 2:
Spanomanolis VS Andreadis: Winner Andreadis (Dark and Stormy)