Αγίας Φωτεινής 12, Νέα Σμύρνη
210 - 98-01-726
Notice of Race



September 20th – 22nd , 2024



The following abbreviations apply to this Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions:

PC: Protest Committee or International Jury

NoR: Notice of Race

OA: Organising Authority

RRS: Racing Rules of Sailing

SI: Sailing Instruction

RC: Race Committee

[NP]: A boat may not protest as per NoR 1.3

[DP]: Subject to a discretionary penalty


1.1 The event is governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing, including RRS Appendix C.

1.2 The rules for the handling of boats and the equipment list, detailed as part of the Sailing Instructions, will apply, and will also apply to any practice sailing and sponsor races. Class rules will not apply.

1.3 The notation ‘[NP]’ in a rule of the Notice of Race or Sailing Instructions means that a boat may not protest another boat for breaking that rule. This changes RRS 60.1(a).

1.4 If there is a conflict between languages the English text takes precedence.

1.5 The event has applied for World Sailing Grade 4. This grading is subject to review by World Sailing. The event may be re-graded when there is clear reason to do so.


The SI’s will be available latest by 10:00, September 20th, on the Official Notice Board.



Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board located at the YCG office.

3.2 Signals made ashore will be displayed from the main flag pole located in front of the YCG office.



4.1 8 skippers will be invited.

4.2 Only skippers invited by the OA, and who confirm acceptance of the invitation, as detailed in the letter of invitation, will be eligible to enter this event.

4.3 All competitors shall meet the eligibility requirements of World Sailing regulation 19.4.

4.4 All competitors shall obtain a World Sailing Sailor ID by registering online at Skippers shall inform the OA of their World Sailing Sailor ID at registration.

4.5 The skipper shall complete registration, pay the non-refundable entry fee of 210 € + VAT to Icarus Sailing Media, pay the damage deposit of €400 in cash to Icarus Sailing Media and shall ensure that all crew complete crew weighing within schedule, unless extended by the OA.

To be considered an entry in the event, a boat shall complete all registration requirements and pay all fees.

4.6 When a skipper accepts an invitation and later withdraws within two months of the event or leaves the event before the end without written approval from the OA, a zero score may be applied to their Ranking points for that event by World Sailing. (World Sailing Regulation 27.2.2(d))


5.1 Each skipper is responsible for the damage or loss to their boat unless responsibility is otherwise assigned by the umpires or PC. The damage deposit is the limit of liability of each skipper for each incident. In the event that a deduction is made from the deposit, the skipper will be required to restore the deposit to the original value to continue in the event.

5.2 The OA will refund any remaining damage deposit within 10 days after the event.


6.1 The number of crew (including the skipper but excluding persons placed on board by the OA) shall be maximum 3. All registered crew shall sail all races.

6.2 After the warning signal for a match, the registered skipper shall not leave the helm, except in an emergency.

6.3 When a registered skipper is unable to continue in the event, the OA may authorise an original crew member to substitute.

6.4 When a registered crew member is unable to continue in the event, the OA may authorise a substitute, a temporary substitute or other adjustment.

6.5 The total weight of the crew, including the skipper, dressed in at least shorts and shirts, shall not exceed 270 kg, determined at the time of registration or such time as required by the RC.

6.6 Crew weight may be checked during the regatta. When crew weight was checked prior to racing, at any re-weighing the total weight limit is increased by 10 kg. Any crew weighing in excess of this increased limit shall not be penalised, but they shall reduce their weight to the increased weight limit before racing again.

6.7 The OA may place a person on each boat as either a guest, cameraman, or umpire observer.


7.1 The OA intends to provide 4 Yngling type boats for racing in the event. Each boat will have the following sails: Mainsail, Jib, Spinnaker.

7.2 Boats will be allocated as decided by the RC. The intention of the RC will be to allocate boats by draw, either daily or for each round. The RC may also require boats to be exchanged in a knock-out stage.

7.3 The sails to be used will be allocated by the RC. Competitors may be requested to exchange sails during a series to satisfy sponsorship commitments.

7.4 While all reasonable steps are taken to equalise the boats variations will not be grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.

7.5 The number of matches to be sailed each day will be determined by the RC with the intention of the RC to start each subsequent flight as soon as practicable after the previous flight.

7.6 The course will be windward/leeward with starboard rounding, finishing downwind.

7.7 Skippers will be seeded into a round robin based on World Sailing ranking list 10 days prior to the event. Unranked skippers will be seeded by draw, below the ranked ones.

7.8 The event will consist of the following stages:

(a) First Stage – Round Robin(s)

(b) Second Stage – Knock-Out Semi-Finals

(c) Third Stage – Knock-Out Final (1st – 2nd place) and Petit-Final (3rd – 4th place)

7.9 The RC may change the format, terminate any stage or the event when, in its opinion, it is impractical to attempt to hold the remainder of matches under the existing conditions or in the remaining time scheduled. Early stages may be terminated in favour of later stages


8.1 Schedule:

– Registration on September 20th, between 10:00 and 14:00

– Crew weighing on September 20th, between 10:00 and 14:00

– First briefing on September 20th, at 12:30

– Racing days from September 20th to 22nd

– Time of the first race on the first day of racing will be approximately 14:30

– Time of the first race on the remaining days will be 11:00

– The latest time for an attention signal on the last day of racing will be approximately 17:20.

– Prize giving soon after the last race on September 22nd.


8.2 Unless excused by the OA, attendance at the following is mandatory:

(a) Initial briefing for skippers.

(b) Daily briefing, for skippers.

(c) Prize giving for the final skippers and crews.



9.1 Boats shall display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.

9.2 Competitors may be permitted to display advertising ashore at the venue, but this is subject to individual negotiation with the OA.


10.1 Competitors and Support Persons shall comply with any reasonable request from any official, including attendance at official functions, co-operation with event sponsors and shall behave so to not bring the event into disrepute.

10.2 Competitors and support persons shall handle any equipment or place advertising provided by the organizing authority with care, seamanship, in accordance with any instructions for its use and without interfering with its functionality.


No support person vessels will be permitted.


12.1 If required by the OA:

(a) Television personnel and equipment (or dummies) supplied by the OA shall be carried on board while racing.

(b) Competitors shall wear microphones supplied by the OA during racing and be available for interviews when advised by the OA or RC.

(c) Registered skippers shall wear communications equipment supplied by the OA that will allow commentators to communicate with them whilst racing.

12.2 Competitors shall not interfere with the normal working of the OA supplied media equipment.

12.3 The OA have the right to use any images and sound recorded during the event free of any charge


RRS 3 states: ‘The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone.’ By participating in this event each competitor agrees and acknowledges that sailing is a potentially dangerous activity with inherent risks. These risks include strong winds and rough seas, sudden changes in weather, failure of equipment, boat handling errors, poor seamanship by other boats, loss of balance on an unstable platform and fatigue resulting in increased risk of injury. Inherent in the sport of sailing is the risk of permanent, catastrophic injury or death by drowning, trauma, hypothermia or other causes.


All competitors are required to have adequate third party insurance.


Prizes will be given to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed skippers and their crew.